Symptoms and treatment of varicose veins in the legs

Varicose veins are a systemic disease that may affect blood vessels in any part of the body. Its essence lies in valve dysfunction that controls the direction of blood flow. Therefore, a large amount of flow accumulates in the veins, and under these influences, the wall stretches and loses its elasticity.

Clinical pictures

Venous blood flow dysfunction is caused by damage, overload and deformation of the valves of the perforated (connected) veins. When the work of the deep (internal) arteries is interrupted, blood circulation becomes disordered, causing blood to enter the superficial vessels and form characteristic nodules. These defects are clearly visible with the naked eye or palpation of the lesion.

Varicose veins is a progressive pathology. If left untreated, it will be full of serious health complications and disabilities. In advanced cases of varicose veins at the site of vascular injury, wounds, ulcers and blood clots may form.

What is the reason

What causes varicose veins

Various factors cause vein dilation. They can be conditionally divided into primary and secondary. The main sources of varicose veins are:

  • Continuous a lot of sports activities;
  • Stay in a static position for a long time-sitting or standing;
  • Adverse environmental conditions-for example, continuous high temperature.
  • Weight fluctuations or chronic obesity;
  • Hormonal imbalance-pregnancy or menopause;
  • Endocrine system diseases;
  • Heredity and genetic susceptibility, manifested as the characteristics of the vascular structure, that is, the anatomical disadvantage of congenital venous valves and the weakening of the connective tissue of the arterial wall;
  • Neurosis.

In memory, the formation of varicose veins usually does not stimulate one vein, but stimulates multiple factors.

Daily life skills

If you often sit for work or other reasons, you can put a low stool under your feet. In this way, you will greatly reduce the strain on your legs.

It is recommended to give up high heels. Wearing such shoes will greatly limit the contraction of the calf muscles and prevent joint bounce. As a result, the blood will only stagnate.

Sudden changes in temperature will greatly affect the blood filling in the veins. For example, when the temperature rises, the veins fill up with blood, which increases the load on the valve. It is recommended to reduce the number of hot baths and sunbathing on the beach. Remember, the temperature drop should be gradual.

Cycling, swimming, and of course, brisk walking every day are very useful. It is worth remembering that when walking, you need to prefer shallow waters or beaches and avoid hard roads as much as possible. Two minutes of contrasting sagging legs will help you easily get rid of the feeling of heaviness and numbness. In addition, this stirring can be done with the help of a shower.

Remember, crossing your legs will block blood flow and constrict blood vessels.

When resting, place your feet flush with your heart. You can also raise one side of the bed slightly so that your legs are slightly higher than usual.

The symptoms of this disease

Varicose veins can have various manifestations, depending on the complexity of the pathology and the physiological characteristics of the patient's body. According to the stage of varicose veins, the following symptoms of vascular disease should be noted:

Symptoms of varicose veins

  • Vein pattern or "star shape" (telangiectasia) on the skin;
  • Swelling of the limbs, especially at the end of the day;
  • Pain when detecting legs or veins;
  • Repeated episodes;
  • Fast and easy to fatigue, especially when walking;
  • Visual manifestations of veins on the skin surface;
  • The feeling of heaviness in the legs;
  • Burn venous lesions;
  • Muscle itching;
  • Pain of different nature and pain;
  • The veins that wrap around the legs and feet;
  • Skin skin changes-dry appearance, pigmentation, darkening;
  • The development of dermatitis, eczema and nutritional disorders in the form of wounds and ulcers that do not heal;
  • The skin at the site where the varicose vein progresses is tight;
  • Hematoma formation.

Symptoms can start as early as puberty. As time goes by, this disease will develop subtly, bringing many unpleasant consequences to health. If there is at least one of the above signs, it should be checked immediately. A phlebologist or surgeon treats a diseased vein.


According to the decision of the international scientific community, the pathological enlargement of lower limb veins is usually classified according to the special classifier CEAP or clinical etiology, anatomy and pathology. ​​​According to this type, varicose veins have 6 clinical stages:

Varicose Vein Classification

  1. Zero. The patient has mild subjective complaints about some symptoms of varicose veins, but through visual inspection and medical examination, there are still no obvious signs of disease.
  2. I have a degree. There is a small vascular network on the skin surface, rare edema, heaviness, burning sensation, and a "buzzing" sensation in the legs.
  3. Level II. It is considered the starting point of true varicose veins. It is characterized by obvious external manifestations of vasodilation, venous nodules, and aggravated after prolonged standing or wearing high heels. From this stage, the possibility of thrombosis was observed.
  4. III degrees. Symptoms in the second group are regular swelling, most noticeable at the end of the day, and pain in the calf.
  5. IV degrees. There are nutritional changes in the skin. Due to the accumulation of excessive pigment in the epidermis, the skin begins to change from dark brown to black. Local local inflammation in the form of small erythema or wet wounds may also develop, leading to skin atrophy and ulcers over time.
  6. Level V. The course of the disease is the same as the fifth stage, but the trophic ulcer heals.
  7. Sixth grade. It is characterized by severe development, the formation of non-healing wounds and ulcers.

Varicose veins are a serious disease. Without timely treatment and continuous prevention, it will develop rapidly and lead to irreversible and terrible consequences, and even death. Only 10 years from the diagnosis of varicose veins is enough to advance the pathology from the first stage to the sixth stage.


The first signs of varicose veins in the legs appear in the progressive stage when the venous valves are less than 50% functioning. In the first or zero phase of varicose veins (called the "compensation phase"), there are no unpleasant feelings and no visible changes. In the early stages of leg varicose vein detection, the phlebologist performs a careful examination of the limbs.

In the second stage of varicose veins, the so-called "super compensation", the changes are well expressed:

  • Large veins are visible under the skin, but they may not protrude above the skin surface.
  • On the surface of the skin under the thighs and knees, a fine mesh pattern of varicose veins with blue or red capillaries is clearly visible.
  • Legs swell at night;
  • Calf muscle cramps at night.

This stage of varicose veins in the lower extremities is characterized by increased symptoms, which weaken after rest.

In the final stage of varicose veins, decompensation occurs: the body cannot replenish the oxygen demand of the tissues, and the valve function in the veins loses 90%. Due to insufficient blood supply, the condition of the limbs deteriorated. Varicose veins at this stage are characterized by reduced capacity for tissue regeneration. A large number of complications worsen the overall condition of the patient. Symptoms of terminal varicose veins persist.

Male Pathology

Male varicose veins

There is no gender in vein pathology. However, according to the pathogenesis, the disease is conditionally divided into male and female varicose veins, and their respective inherent formation and developmental specificities. Therefore, the characteristics of male physiology can not promote the formation of the strong half of human beings, but there are many factors to support this. Where:

  1. arduous physical labor or professional sports involving moving or lifting heavy objects;
  2. Sedentary lifestyle;
  3. Malnutrition;
  4. genetic predisposition;
  5. Long-term use of hormone drugs;
  6. Bad habits.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > drug-like >, Full text of the journal > > Men under the age of 40 have a higher incidence of varicose veins, accompanied by increased leg fatigue, leg pain, visible edema, vein patterns on the skin surface, frequent spasms and itching such as allergiesdermatitis. In some advanced cases, blood clots and vascular infections may occur. If the disease is invisible at first, its manifestations will become obvious over time. But the main change occurs in the veins. The walls of the veins are so fragile that any even small toxic substances or infections can cause their damage. The treatment of varicose veins in men is the same as in women, without any characteristics.

Female Pathology

Half of the population suffers from varicose veins, several times that of men. The favorable factors are:

Varicose veins in women

  • High heels or shoes that do not match the size and fullness of the feet;
  • Weight loss or tight clothes can interfere with blood circulation;
  • Work that needs to stand up all day-salesperson, receptionist, hairdresser, teacher, chef, etc. ;
  • Hormonal changes (menopause) caused by pregnancy, childbirth, and age-related changes in the body;
  • Weight Experiment-Frequent weight fluctuations, extreme diets aimed at significant weight loss, uncontrollable extra weight gain.

is ​​a woman, often a phlebologist and beautician. In order to maintain the aesthetic appearance of the skin for as long as possible, women take greater responsibility than men in the treatment of varicose veins, and they have made significant improvements in the clinical state of the arterial system.

In view of the increased natural tendency of varicose veins, leg swelling, excessive leg fatigue, itching and burning sensation, the appearance of small blood vessels and vein patterns should be a serious reminder to women and a reason for immediate medical attention.

Folk remedies for varicose veins

You should not panic when you are in the research of the disease, because with proper and timely treatment, varicose veins can almost be cured.

Why is it actually? Because after some measures (including preventive methods) are terminated, the disease can reappear and cause no less than the original problems.

Alternative methods to treat varicose veins

How to treat varicose veins quickly and painlessly? You should turn to traditional medicine.

Infusions and tinctures

First, the disease must be treated internally. For this, you should use natural products, herbs, and other ingredients that will improve blood circulation to prepare an infusion or an agent. Some of them can be cured here:

  • Nettle. Pre-dry and grind the grass in any convenient way. To prepare the infusion, pour 2 tablespoons of herbal ingredients into a glass of boiling water. The contents are left for one hour and filtered. Then they drink at least ¼ cup 3 times during the day. The course of treatment lasts six months with one month intervals.
  • Horse chestnut. Put the crushed horse chestnut kernels into a three-liter jar, and pour vodka or alcohol into the rim of the container. Within a month, place the jar in a dark place and shake the contents regularly. After time has passed, you can start rubbing your legs with the tin. Perform this procedure 2-3 times a week without interruption.

Folk remedies to treat varicose veins at home include the use of any herbs that can improve blood circulation in the body.

Apple for varicose veins

Apple has an excellent healing effect. Here, you can use pure fruits and other product additives.

How to get rid of apple varicose veins:

  • Ready to inject apples. For this, the apples were soaked in an amount of 1 liter for 4 hours. The fruit is then passed through a meat grinder or sieve and mixed with the water for soaking. Squeeze water from the mixture twice a day, each time 50 grams.
  • Apple cider vinegar for varicose veinscan be used as a liniment or for internal use. For treatment, it is enough to rub a small amount of vinegar into the problem area overnight. You can also use diluted vinegar and a little honey, and drink a glass half an hour before meals.

Be careful when using diluted vinegar internally. Patients with gastrointestinal diseases are prohibited from using this method.

Treatment of varicose veins at home, video:

Disease diagnosis

In order to accurately diagnose varicose veins and determine their severity, special research methods are used. The standard examination plan when contacting a phlebologist includes the following steps:

Disease diagnosis

  1. Collect medical records of diseases to determine possible risk factors and causes;
  2. Visually inspect the patient by changing the final position of the patient and palpating venous lesions;
  3. Laboratory blood test;
  4. Ultrasound color duplex ultrasound examination of lower extremity arteries can correctly perform medical opinions, measure the speed and direction of blood flow, draw its motion diagram, and obtain the characteristics of blood vessels and clear images;
  5. An X-ray photograph of blood vessels (venography) using a contrast agent to determine the appearance and shape of veins, valve function, and direction of blood flow.

Generally, these research methods are sufficient to determine the exact clinic, but in some cases they resort to other diagnostic methods:

  • 3D CT (Computed Tomography) for venography;
  • Photoplethysmography, using infrared and light radiation from photoresistors or phototransistors; Bone scintigraphy, based on the use of radionuclide isotopes and venous blood pressure measurement, dynamically studies the venous pressure of the lower limbs; Lymphography, showing the condition and degree of changes in the lymph nodes.

The doctor determines the need for a specific diagnostic method based on the complexity of the situation and the individual clinical parameters of the patient.

Timely and carefully selected research methods can determine the location of superficial and deep veins, and form an accurate plan for the treatment process based on the indicators.

Conservative treatment

In the initial stage, varicose veins are reversible, and responsible treatment can completely eliminate varicose veins. In other cases, in order to combat varicose veins, they resort to conservative treatments using drugs, intravenous correctives and special compression underwear. Each type of treatment has its own indications, namely the appointment and specific instructions for the effects on diseased organs.

  1. Medication. This means that intravenous injection of proliferative drugs, anti-phytosEliminate accumulated toxic substances from the body. For topical treatments, use tonic, pain-relieving, soothing and swelling gels and ointments. Vitamins of the B, A, and K groups are also introduced into the therapeutic complex, and the duration of treatment is determined according to the diagnosis result and the nature of the disease dynamics.
  2. Arteriosclerosis therapy. This method involves the use of special drugs that internally affect the types of adhesions in veins affected by varicose veins. As a result, the reflux is stabilized and proceeds through healthy blood vessels. The process is performed invasively by intravenous administration of the solution. It is prescribed for certain conditions of blood vessels and small-sized venous lymph nodes.
  3. Ozone therapy. It is part of aesthetic medicine that involves exposing the inner space of blood vessels to cold ozone to bond the defect. This method is also actively used to remove unsightly vascular networks from the skin surface. Effective in the early stages of the disease. To obtain the desired result, only a few steps are required.
  4. Compression therapy. It includes wearing special medical underwear, which will generate different intensities of pressure on different parts of the legs, thereby helping to reduce the burden on the veins and restore blood circulation. Constant use of corrective underwear can protect blood vessels from stretching and the development of thrombosis. Depending on the purpose, compression underwear can be preventive (minimum pressure), medical (only worn when venous disease worsens) and hospital (used in hospitals after surgery). Tights, stockings, knee panties and elastic bandages are available. The choice of compression underwear can only be done on the advice of a doctor

Surgical methods affecting dilated veins

Surgical treatment of varicose veins

Varicose vein surgery is only performed as a last resort. When a deep vein disease is diagnosed, complications are exacerbated. Signs of surgical intervention include:

  • The pathology is significantly worsened;
  • The development of thrombophlebitis;
  • The saphenous vein is obviously enlarged;
  • Severe swelling and fatigue of lower limbs;
  • Pathological reflux disorder.

Use modern surgical techniques to perform operations under general anesthesia, for example:

  1. Radio frequency destroys blood vessels. Use disposable catheters and automatically generated radio waves to restore the vein structure from the inside.
  2. Intravenous hot steam pulse occlusion (SVS). The effect of a large amount of heating steam flow on the container. Allows you to penetrate the most inaccessible areas of the venous bed and directly affect deformed blood vessels.
  3. Laser coagulation of veins. It involves the use of laser beams directed at the patient's veins. The procedure will not leave cuts, burns or scars.
  4. Intravenous technology. It includes the use of special biological glue to glue the valve of the container.
  5. Varadi's method. The most difficult treatment involves removing the affected blood vessel. Due to its 100% efficiency, it is one of the preferred methods of neurosurgery.

Although surgical treatment is very efficient, it is often combined with conservative treatment methods. This method allows you to speed up the repair process and reliably merge the results.

Self massage from varicose veins in the legs

  • First, you need to massage your thighs. In addition, through light strokes and kneading, it rises from the knee area to the groin area. Use spiral, straight and circular movements to stretch the knee joint with your fingertips. Press your fist on the pop socket several times, and then rub the area in circular motions.
  • Lie on your back, relax your muscles, and bend your knees. Grasp the shin with your hand, and then gently stroke the skin. Shake your leg muscles.
  • Stroke each toe lightly. From bottom to top, rub your ankles and feet. Massage your feet and heels in circular motions, then rub your ankles a little bit.

Repeat the entire self-massage complex 2-3 times.

Recovery period

During the recovery period and in the future, in the fight against varicose veins of the lower extremities, a competent rehabilitation program (including regular medication), adherence to a healthy lifestyle and therapeutic exercise will help.

In addition to physical education in nursing homes, patients diagnosed with varicose veins, regardless of their development stage and recovery time, to improve blood circulation and prevent venous blood stasis, should also wear corrective medical underwear.

Nutrition for varicose veins of lower limbs

Diet is very important for this disease. The following foods should be included in the diet:

  • Bell Pepper;
  • carrots;
  • Chinese cabbage;
  • Citrus;
  • Apple;
  • Nuts;
  • rose hips;
  • Gooseberry;
  • Marine fish;
  • eggs;
  • lean meat;
  • Beans;
  • Cereal;
  • cheese;
  • The liver.

The lower extremity varicose diet involves the rejection of such products:

  • Canned food;
  • Semi-finished products;
  • Muffins and pastries;
  • Caffeinated beverages;
  • Smoked meat;
  • preserved food;
  • jelly meat;
  • Chicory;
  • Alcoholic beverages.


Prevent varicose veins

In order to prevent the development of varicose veins of the lower extremities, it is necessary to monitor the health status from an early age. When complications occur, preventing disease is more effective than treating the legs.

In order to maintain good blood circulation, it is necessary to ensure adequate physical exercise. If a person stays in the same position for a long time, some warm-ups should be done regularly. You need to take a responsible attitude towards the choice of shoes-shoes should have a small heel (no more than 6 cm), comfortable and not squeeze your legs.

The weight should be monitored. Excessive weight is one of the causes of the development of the disease. In addition, it causes an increase in blood vessel pressure. Clothing should be made of natural fibers. Avoid using tight underwear to avoid squeezing the large blood vessels in the groin area.

In the sanitation procedure, it is recommended to use a shower, which can change the pressure and temperature of the water. With the help of these techniques, you can regulate blood vessels and activate blood flow.

It is recommended to exercise every day. There is no need to run a few kilometers at a time; just go to the swimming pool, walk or ride a bike is enough.

Before using hormonal contraceptives, you should not only consult a gynecologist, but also a phlebologist for hormone testing. If the female hormone level in the blood is changed, it may adversely affect the condition of the blood vessel wall.